Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Omez Tablet for the Treatment of AcidReflux

Acid reflux is an extremely common health problem which is caused by backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, Other terms used for this condition are Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or Peptic Ulcer disease.Which can be well cured by Omez tablet.

Acid reflux is thought to be caused by excessive amounts of acid in your stomach, which is why acid-blocking drugs are typically prescribed or recommended.

Acid Reflux causes pain internally around the lower chest area, which is caused by stomach acid flowing back up into the food pipe.

Omez tablet reduces acid by blocking the action of the parts of cells that produce acid and helps relief from Acid Reflux.

Omez may not only relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, but can also repair the damage done to the Esophageal lining.

1 comment:

  1. The most prescribed treatment for Acidity-Omez used for treating heartburn or irritation of the muscular structure caused by the esophageal reflux malady.
    In addition to the acidity, Omez drug also soothes symptoms like difficulty swallowing & persistent Cough that conjointly heals acid damage, ulcers. Another issue that galvanizes more is that it prevents cancer also.
    Omez is obtained in the form of capsule and tablet.
    The dose to use for Acidity is 20 mg and for heart burn it’s choose to use 40 mg and it’s recommended to use for children of above 1 year or greater than 10kgs
    Omez is also used for short-term treatment for ulcers of the abdomen or small intestines and also facilitate to stop them from coming back
    The drug should be taken with the consultation of doctor in empty stomach.
