Friday, November 13, 2015

Omez tablet for Burning

Omez shows the best result for burning in stomach or heart burn. The dosage of Omez medicine for burning is 20mg.

The dose can be increased to 40 mg if pain is severe.

The pain is occur due to the formation of acid in stomach. Patients are advised to take Omez in an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

Omez is also used for the treatment of Acidity, Hyperacidity, Stomach pain, Ulcers, Epigastric pain, Stomach upset, Gas, Indigestion, Gastric, Acid in stomach, Acid, Jalan, Badhazmi, Pet Dukhna, Bloating, Belching, Reflux, GERD and Gastritis problem.

Omez tablet should be taken only with the medical prescription. During pregnancy omez should be taken only when clearly needed.


  1. Omez tablet is the best prescribed treatment for Stomach burning. Common problems associated with stomach burning are indigestion, acid reflux, gas and ulcers.
    The dosage of Omez medicine for burning is 20mg.
    The dose can be increased to 40 mg if pain is severe.

  2. Stomach pain is felt anywhere from below your ribs to your pelvis. It may be caused by many issues like acidity, Ulcer, GERD, Gastritis, Bloating Stomach etc., which can be treated by Omez tablet

  3. The dose to use for Acidity is 20 mg and for heart burn it’s choose to use 40 mg and it’s recommended to use for children of above 1 year or greater than 10kgs.
    The drug should be taken with the consultation of doctor in empty stomach.
