Omez tablet usually gives quick relief for the treatment of Acidity
which is caused due to backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus –
the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. This backward flow
becomes possible when the sphincter muscle at the lower end of your
esophagus is weak.
Acidity may also caused due to bacterial infection called as Helicobacter pylori which causes Ulcer.
Acidity symptoms: Heartburn, Regurgitation, Bloating, Nausea, Ulcer and etc.
Acidity is a condition in which a person’s stomach glands start overproducing gastric acids necessary for digestion – especially hydrochloric acid. This overproduction does not make you digest food better, but instead causes problems like heartburn, nausea, belching and constipation.
Omez Tablets suppress the amount of acid that the stomach makes and helps from acidity relief
Omez tablet also stops the infection caused due to pylori bacteria and helps from coming back
Acidity may also caused due to bacterial infection called as Helicobacter pylori which causes Ulcer.
Acidity symptoms: Heartburn, Regurgitation, Bloating, Nausea, Ulcer and etc.
Acidity is a condition in which a person’s stomach glands start overproducing gastric acids necessary for digestion – especially hydrochloric acid. This overproduction does not make you digest food better, but instead causes problems like heartburn, nausea, belching and constipation.
Omez Tablets suppress the amount of acid that the stomach makes and helps from acidity relief
Omez tablet also stops the infection caused due to pylori bacteria and helps from coming back